We LOVE Sonoma County Meat Company

The last Rain

We just had a nice soft rain for 2 days. Everything is so beautiful and green right now. I get a pit in my stomach when I look around knowing that was maybe the last rain this year.

Cochon 555 LA

Cochon 555 LA

We’ve been paired with the talented Ricardo Zarate for Cochon LA and I’m thinking we may have a Peruvian Prince of Porc soon. Excited!!

Consider the Slaughterhouse

Consider the Slaughterhouse

Most of you are probably not up for reading this. Many things are “hard” in life and farming has more hard things than most. I think Bob touches on what I consider the “hardest” part of the job and what separates a good farmer from someone that should be in a different field. A Farmer
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Carl on Colbert

Carl on Colbert

Holy Co….PIG! my buddy Carl was on the Colbert show. Laughing so hard…Carl and his communist pigs The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,Video Archive

Allan Savory

Allan Savory

I can NOT stress what huge discovery this is. Please view and share. This will change the world.

3 Pig Dinner

3 Pig Dinner

SF gate on 3 Pig Dinner http://insidescoopsf.sfgate.com/blog/2013/02/22/santa-rosa%E2%80%99s-zazu-chefs-invent-new-pig-breed-and-you-can-eat-it/

three pig off sunday, march 3, 6 pm this dinner requires explanation and is not to be missed if you consider yourself a fan of pork! … In 2011, we competed in a whole pig cooking contest called COCHON555, some call it the “Olympics of Pork”. Against all odds, we won 2 rounds to take
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The Cost of 99 cent cheesburgers

The Cost of 99 cent cheesburgers

So the AG-Gag laws are showing up to help disconnect people from how their food is created. We can close our eyes and chow down on a McValue meal and hope big Pharma comes up with counter measures for the long term deleterious effects such food brings. If your reading this post you are obviously
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Prop 37

Prop 37

So the prophet Pollan speaks on prop 37 about some some possible outcomes should it pass. I heard a radio spot this morning saying to vote NO on 37 because it has loopholes and isn’t strict enough…. wow the bamboozlers ( Monsanto &  Dupont  ) are working overtime on this one. This proposition is so
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